Anveo Mobile App for BC Online Release Notes

Anveo Mobile App for BC Online Release Notes

On this page, you will find valable information on the product and the releases.

Today, the App Builder of the Anveo Mobile App is available in App Source, which allows you to create individual apps. The three Base Apps, Sales App, Service App and Delivery App will be offered as separate App Source apps in the future. If you already want to use these solutions in BC Online today, you can install them as “Per Tenant Extension” (PTE) version. Please contact the Anveo support if you are interested.

How-To Video for existing Anveo customers and partners

Please have a look at our training video that explains the concept of the new Anveo Mobile App for Business Central Online version.

This video is intended for existing Anveo customers and partners who are already using the Anveo Mobile App and would like to learn about the technical differences between the on-premises and BC online world. The installation steps shown in the video are already slightly different in the current version, as OAuth authentication is used from BC20 onwards. However, the basics of the setup are identical.

This video is available in English and German



Installation using the Setup Wizard

You can easily install the Anveo Mobile App using the Anveo Mobile App Setup Wizard. Please have a look at the video above.

Installation in Sandbox Environments

If you are planning to install Anveo Mobile App in a sandbox environment, please make sure to “Allow HttpClient Request”, which is off by default. Outbound calls for production environments are always on.

If it is still turned off using release, you will get the following error message in the first wizard step:
“InstanceName” is not available. Please chose a different instance name.”

Configure th Extension in “Business Central Online Extension Managment”
Turn “Allow HttpClient Request” on

Custom App Events Codeunit

During the installation process, the Anveo Mobile App will use a default App Events Codeunit that processes all incoming data from the Anveo Mobile App directly to the Microsoft Dynamics tables with running all table and field triggers. This is the expected default behavior.

However, it might be required to customize this behavior. If you want to use your own App Events Codeunit, please use this template that is available for download here. As soon as you have registered at least one event, the default App Events Codeunit is turned off and completly replaced by the custom one here. Please make sure to handle all events properly, which is the default behavior.

It is required to make some adjustments to the template:

app.json: The values for “id”, “name” and “publisher” must be adjusted
For sandbox databases, publishing can be done directly from Visual Studio Code by adjusting the value for “environmentName” accordingly.

For production databases, the .app file created in Visual Studio Code must be uploaded to the production database web client (via Extension Management). In live systems, apps cannot be published via Visual Studio Code.

Custom App Events Subscriber for Business Central Online Download

Product Release Notes

We highly recommend testing the new version in a sandbox system before updating. April 11, 2022

  • New: Anveo Mobile App uses OAuth2. Please update the Anveo Mobile App client on your devices first.
  • New: Processing time of registered data changes (data replication) in Business Central improved
  • Fixed: Deleted Company won’t break replication
  • Fixed: Special Characters caused an error during data replication
  • Fixed: Endless loop during replication when errors occured during data processing
  • Fixed: Only replicate data for defined companies

Beginning with this release, the use of OAuth2 is mandantory. This means, an Anveo User is linked to a Dynamics user and requires two different passwords for a login and synchronization. The Anveo User Password protects the local database on the mobile device. The Microsoft Dynamics username and password is required for the synchronization with the Microsoft Dynamics system.

To set-up OAuth2 the first time, grant access to the Azure Active Directory for Anveo Mobile App in BC Online. Please find a documentation here.
In an upgrade scenario, you will see a notification message in the Anveo Pages or Anveo Setup page.

Please make sure to run through this upgrade process using the notification “Setup OAuth”. June 24, 2021

  • Initial product release
  • The new Anveo Mobile App for BC Online release uses the new Anveo Instance Names to identify the right server. This requires to use the lates Anveo Mobile App clients for Android, iOS and Windows.
  • This version does not include automatic base app installations, yet. In future versions, you will get the option at the end of the installation wizard to download and directly install one of our pre-defined app solutions.
    Today, you will get a for BC Online optimized Anveo Mobile App for Sales Base App from the Anveo Support team. The other apps will be published soon.
    However, you may of course also import the default base app for OnPrem that requires the typical customizations.
  • In some cases, a full re-publication of all tables from Business Central Online to the Anveo Delta Service might be required. Please stop the repliaction, deactivate and re-activate all tables. Then, restart the replication.