Frequently Asked Questions / Anveo EDI Connect / Update from FOB-Version to Business Central Extensions

Update from FOB-Version to Business Central Extensions

We strongly recommend to update a test system first and ensure that everything is working as expected, before upgrading the live system.

If you want to move from the FOB version of Anveo EDI Connect to the Business Central Extension, you are probably upgrading an existing system.

The first thing you have to decide is whether you need to keep any existing transaction data.

If not the upgrade is quite easy: Check whether the mappings use fields, which are deprecated in V5 of the module. If not, you can backup the mappings and import them into another system using the extension. If you want to import the extension into the system that used the FOB before, you have to delete all objects from the ID range 5327300 to 5327399.

If you want to keep the existing transaction data the update is still possible. As the first step, please update the FOB-Version to the same version as the Business Central Extension you want to use. Make sure that no deprecated fields in the buffer table are used anymore. Afterwards you can use any tool to either backup and restore the table data or to migrate it into the new extension tables. The table names, ID and structure is the same between the FOB version and the Extension for Business Central Version 13, 14 and 15.

Moving to new Converters

With Anveo EDI Connect 5.00 the NAV converter has become deprecated. You can still install it from the setup page and use the existing mappings. You can also copy the mappings from the old NAV format to the new PREPARE, CHECK and PROCESS formats.

Updating Existing Customizations

If your system has modifications to the ANVEDI Callback codeunit, you have to move the code into a new custom extension. We offer events in the codeunit ANVEDI Events, which should be able to handle everything, which was possible with the ANVEDI Callback before. You can learn more in the chapter about using events to modify the module behavior.