Category: Managed File Transfer

Polling Settings

Depending on the protocol the MFT server needs to poll a remote server to search for new files (e.g. FTP and SFTP). You can configure the interval in which the MFT server searches for...

AS/2 Connector

The AS/2 connector allows you to exchange documents using the AS/2 protocol. Create new AS/2 Connector You can create a new connector by going to Settings -> Connectors and click on the action “New...

Create New Company

You can have multiple companies in our MFT platform. Either because you are managing several production systems, or because you want to separate a production environment from a sandbox. On first login into the...


This chapter will go into the technical details of the supported connectors and their setup.

Connect Partners

Before creating the first connector, let’s look at the key design of the platform. To connect external partners, you’ll need what we call connectors that support the required communication protocol. For each connector you...

The Basic User Interface

When logging into the platform you’ll see a dashboard of the number of transmissions. You’ll also have access to the details of the following message boxes: Inbox Files in the inbox are sent by...

Getting Started

In this chapter we’ll look at the general user interface and the basic setup of the Anveo MFT portal. This is the technical documentation. You can find more product information about Anveo MFT here.

Filename Template

Some of the connectors require a filename for sending the EDI data. You can provide the template for the filename inside the partner settings of the connector. The placeholders are case-sensitive. The following placeholders...

Anveo – Managed Data Transfer (MFT)

The platform is a webservice to securely transfer files between EDI partners. The platform is hosted on Azure and allows data transfer between the extension version of Anveo EDI Connect and business partners.