Category: Anveo Mobile App


void MESSAGE(‘Message text’);Example:MESSAGE(‘Just to let you know.’); Displays an info message.


void ERROR(‘Error text’);Example:ERROR(‘This doesn’t work out.’); Displays an error message. All open transactions are rolled back.


boolean CONFIRM(‘Question?’);Example:if CONFIRM(‘Are you sure?’) then … This displays a confirmation dialogue. The user will be asked to select “yes” or “no” before continuing.


The following commands can be used to display a message box or a confirmation dialogue:

Filling out checklists in Dynamics

To fill out a checklist template in Dynamics, the action “Fill out checklist” is available. This action opens a lookup page, if a table link exists and is set up accordingly, where the record...

Filling out checklists on the Anveo Mobile App

To fill out checklists in Anveo for a record, the action code CHKL_OPN:TMPL must be executed. This opens all checklist templates available for the current record and starts the wizard for filling out the...

BC Function Setup

The code of the function that should be executed upon completion of the linked .The function must be created as an EventSubscriber for “OnRunBCFunction”. Further details can be found in the developer documentation. Defines,...

Anveo Function Setup

The code of the function that should be executed upon completion of the . The function must be defined in the action code CHKL_CUSTOM_LIB. Further details can be found in the developer documentation. Defines,...

Limit Values

The minimum value that can be entered in the . The maximum value that can be entered in the .

Data Setup

This tab contains the setup of checklist template lines of type data. Data Type Thew following Data Types can be selected: Required Field Required fields are checked when completing a checklist. It is not...